Monday, January 6, 2020

The Characteristics of a Sexually Healthy Person, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Free Essay Example, 2750 words

Some people may suffer from a form of sexual dysfunction that inhibits their ability to maximize the pleasure derived from sex. In the case of men, some are unable to get it up or get an erection. Others may experience premature ejaculation or when they get orgasm long before their partner does ore even prior to penetration. On the other hand, some may not even reach orgasm regardless of how often and how long they have sex. For women, some may experience pain while having sex due to the lack of lubrication or simply because they are not wet enough. In the same way as men, some women may also have difficulty in having an orgasm during sexual intercourse. Other women may even be too frigid to even have sex. These are just some of the common sexual dysfunctions experienced by males and females. Given the importance of sex in human beings lives, it is necessary that these dysfunctions be addressed. These sexual dysfunctions have a direct effect on how one could have children an d build a family. Moreover, these dysfunctions may have adverse psychological effects on men and women like the loss of self-confidence. Specifically for men, they may be subjected to teasing from their peers. With the prevailing macho ideology, male prowess is often indicated by how much men are able to have sex. Being teased about their ability to have sex is a big no-no for men as this would cause a definitely big blow in their ego. We will write a custom essay sample on The Characteristics of a Sexually Healthy Person, Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexually Transmitted Diseases or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Others go about this with their partner since having a sexual dysfunction is not only the problem of the person suffering from it but also of his/her sexual partner. Especially for long term relationships, going about this in pairs as a team may help enhance the success rate of the therapy.

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